No Respect
I'm pretty sure that I don't get much more respect from the students as a teacher here in Malawi than a teacher would get back home. We recently divided the students and teachers into seperate houses like in Harry Potter and elected a head girl for each house. I've been teasing the head girl for our house calling her Captain and saying things like "Aye, aye Captain" and "Oh Captain, My Captain". As I thought this was pretty fun(ny), I encouraged others in our house to do the same. Then a girl from an opposing house said "Sir, you are so lame". It didn't reallly bother me that much because; for one, I agree that I am quite lame and have come to terms with this long ago; two, the fact that my students think I'm lame made me feel like an actual teacher and gave me a warm sense of fulfillment; and three, she is still in my computer class and I am able to impose my lamitude on anyone in my path. I already had them creating folders on the desktop with names like "Hubaluba" and saving files called "Ringadingelding". Once when they were doing a typing exercise in class, I made them stand up and say "Yabadabado, I'm done" when they were finished. Now that I've been challenged to unleash my lameness, there's really no limit to how far it will go...this post for example. By the way, we have to think of a name for our house so if you have any suggestions let me know.