Computer Class Progress
I was thinking that my computer class was beginning to make real progress, until today when I told one of my better students to open Microsoft Word which we have been working on for the past 3 weeks. She gave me a confused look and said "What's that?". I am hoping it was just a minor confusion . They are doing a lot better though. Some new students joined the class at the beginning of the term and they were starting right from the beginning so it was nice to compare them to the other students. Plus, it helped that they could explain the things they've learned to the new ones. I had some board games for the computer sent from home so they could get more practice using the mouse. I installed them on one computer during a lab after school and showed the student how to use it. Two minutes later the girl next to her raised her hand and when I came over she said "Sir, I want what that one has". Now I have to fight to keep them off the games during class. I can still manage to amaze them with simple things like changing the font size and color. Again, I'll show a student who is finished with her work how to do something new, and two minutes later "Sir, I want to do what she's doing". Now I've started making them explain things to each other though so its a little less running around for me. The biggest obstacle is still 43 students and only 12 laptops. After all the sharing they only get 40 actual minutes on the computer in class per week. I have labs two times a week in the evening for the boarders and on Saturdays for the dayscholars to make up for it. Luckily they like using the computer so they don't need encouragement, but they do complain if they think one group is getting more time than another. Next week, I'm giving them a test with work they need to complete on the computer...yikes.