Noisy Neighbours
Before I came to Africa, I didn't think to much about excessive noise keeping me up at night. During the first couple of weeks we heard drums being played in neighboring villages and thought it was awesome. Now it is starting to lose its appeal. Sometimes the drums go all night long and can be heard in my room with the windows closed. But it isn't just people playing drums in the village next to us. I guess we are close enough to town to hear the music being played at the bars or else someone in the small grass roof houses close by has an impressive stereo system. Sure, all of this does keep me up at night, but it really wouldn't bother me all that much if I could go and join the party. As it is, however, it isn't safe for us to be walking around after dark. The road we live on is very dark and it is believed that all white people have money. Plus, when you are walking down the road, they can see you, but you can't see them.