HouseGuests: Welcome and Otherwise
Well, the volunteer house is only a few years old so it is still in pretty good shape, but it still has its fair share of uninvited guests. First on the unwelcome list is the cockroaches. We keep everything as clean as we can be there seem to be plenty of these guys hanging around. The ones we find in the house come in sizes Big to Really Big. I did, however, see some on the screen outside my window that could do some serious damage if given the chance. I was talking to one of them the other night, though, and he said the house has too much of a "foreigner" smell so they were happy staying outside. I am keeping a tally of cockroaches that I eliminate in my room and will post a running total after a few months. Other unwelcomed guests are these brown spiders with long legs. They are everywhere but aren't poisonous (I hope) so we don't really worry about them. They don't spin webs and like to move around so I have taken to hunting them for sport. Of course there are a few mosquitoes. We have screens so they help keep the numbers lower. We also use mosquito nets for our beds. Surprisingly, I have yet to wake up in a massive tangle of blue netting. The sole welcome uninvited guests are the geccos, of which we have plenty. They range from 2 to 6 inches and we see them crawling up the walls and in the corners. They keep to themselves and like to eat mosquitoes so we are happy to have them around. They have been become our official house mascot.